Stories and Fiction
In this satirical piece for Comedy Slaps, I dive into the absurdity of a beloved television show host gone wild. "To Catch a Predator" takes an unexpected twist as host Chris Hansen ventures into the African Serengeti, confronting some of nature's fiercest predators.
Cage is a dystopian narrative set in a future where climate catastrophe has reshaped society. This story follows Liza, a determined CIA agent, and a group of survivors navigating a perilous world. With the ocean encroaching and their leader, Mr. Silver, revealing his true colors, they must make harrowing decisions to ensure their survival.
In Kairos Neurochip Trial 18, I explore a reality where technology has spiraled. The story follows Kurtis Gould, an ex-convict, as he navigates an experiment by tech giant Kairos. Trapped in his own mind by a neurochip, Kurtis finds a way to send a message to his younger self, warning him of the perils ahead.